All training programs offered by the CPM, which are related to the statutory mandate of the committees, do not have to be authorized by the Ministry of Health nor authorized by anyone.
The CPM promotes the professional development of the committees by providing them with practical and useful tools. New tailor-made training programs are being developed, updated and given by our professionals.
The CPM offers its affiliate and affiliate committees the opportunity to receive free training each year (subject to applicable travel and meal expenses).
We offer training at a very competitive price.
Work group, flash training for your assemblies and question periods adapted to your needs
Your committee needs a presentation on a subject that is not addressed by our usual training?
Would you like to organize a working session led by a CPM member?
Do you want to boost your annual general meeting by having a speaker?
Know that the CPM can travel to your area to make a more informal presentation or to support your committee in its work on many themes, according to your needs.
For information regarding availability, rates and cancellation policy, please contact the CPM:
- by email :
- by phone : 514-861-5922
Training programs offered by the CPM
The real role of a users or residents committee
The role written in the law, in the frame of reference and legal literature and not the one that some would like it to play.
How to campaign in a users or residents committee
Make the volunteering work rewarding by doing something worthwhile for users, their families and loved ones.
NEW ADDITION – HOW TO ASSIST patients and residents in the complaint’s procedure committee
At the members’ request during training on advocacy: “How to advocate for patients” — here is a brand-new training that will allow Committee members to be of better assistance in the complaint procedure, by considering the legal, collective, and human aspects of a complaint. The focus of this training by Mr. Benoit Racette is practice, not theory.
Direct intervention practices in CHSLD
Introduce themselves, inform the authorities of the role that the committee and its members intend to play within the institution and with the administration, in compliance with the law and authority but never with complacency.
Why, how, the alternative of cameras in CHSLD
An extreme solution, often in last resort, in the face of inaction and lack of follow-up of requests or complaints from users or their families.
The right to seek medical assistance in dying
The situations of application, the conditions and the obligatory collaboration of the administration and the nursing staff.
Confidentiality of a user’s file
It is the user’s right to demand that the information in his file not be disclosed without his consent.
The different protection regimes of the incapacitated person
In legal terms, there is a need for protection when an incapacitated person is to be assisted or represented in the exercise of his or her civil rights.
The right to live and die with dignity
Affiliate Committee : 500 $ (expenses not included)
Unaffiliated : 1 000 $ (expenses not included)